Layer 16

Goalkeeping Program

Kings Hammer Goalkeepers Union

The Kings Hammer GK Union was created to provide goalkeepers in the Cincinnati and Ohio Valley Region a preeminent goalkeeper training and educational environment. The Union will build upon the concept of a team within a team that is prevalent within the soccer ang goalkeeping communities worldwide.

  • Create a support system for coaches and GKs
    • Build a Supportive, Competitive environment that will foster growth & development
  • Develop a pathway for ALL GKs within the Kings Hammer Family
  • Development of a GK Specific Curriculum and Methodology
    • Linked to our Kings Hammer Core Values, Game Model, & Playing Philosophy

Once a part of the Union, always a part of the Union

The long-term vision of the Kings Hammer GKU is to create a destination for GKs that is FUN, COOPERATIVE and COMPETITIVE and that betters all GKs who join. We want former Kings Hammer GKs to return home during the off-season from college or pro environments to train, coach our current GKs, and one day return to work within the club.


  • Programs used to link all Kings Hammer Locations and Programs
    • GK-Centered
      • Webinars on Set-Piece Management, Communication, & other special topics
      • Day Clinics on-field Special Topics
      • Academy Experience Days
    • GK and Team Coach Centered
      • Better incorporate GKs into Team Training
      • Education/Communication to reinforce topics covered in GK Training
    • GK Family/Parent Centered
      • Psychology of a GK
      • Better understand the topics covered in GK Training
      • More to come