Layer 16

Parents Code of Conduct

Acceptance of membership by Kings Hammer Soccer Club (KHSC) is a privilege that carries with it certain responsibilities.

Players and parents are expected to engage in the highest standards of conduct at all “Club-Related Events” (which includes all practices, games, and team travel). By joining the Club, players and parents agree to the following:

Responsibilities of the Parent

  • Parent agrees to set a good example by modeling the highest standard of sportsmanship.
  • Parent agrees to maintain a professional relationship with the child’s coach and Program Director and avoid a confrontation immediately following the game.
  • ​Parent agrees to wait 24 hours after a Club-Related Event before discussing concerns with the coach or Program Director.
  • Parent agrees to never criticize a coach or player in a public manner, including through email.
  • Parent agrees to refrain from using foul language at club events and from abusing, harassing, or berating players, coaches, referees, opponents or spectators.
  • Parent agrees to refrain from coaching or otherwise instructing players during practices or games.  
  • Parent agrees to use best efforts to have the player on time for training and games.
  • Parent agrees to stay current on all financial obligations to the Club.
  • Parent agrees to get involved with the Club and promote the game in a positive way.

Expectations of Behavior

The following behaviors by players or parents will not be tolerated and may be grounds for suspension or dismissal of the player from the Club:

  • Repeated failure to meet any of the above-listed responsibilities after having been reminded by a coach or Program Director to do so.
  • Any use or possession of an illegal substance at a Club-Related Event.
  • Any engagement in an illegal activity at a Club-Related Event.
  • Any attempt to purposefully injure, abuse, or haze someone at a Club-Related Event.

In the event a player or parent engages in any of the above-listed behaviors, the Program Director will determine the appropriate disciplinary action.  All decisions to suspend or dismiss a player from the Club for any of the above behaviors will be made in consultation with the Board of Directors and will be final.