Layer 16

Turf Classic

Boys U9-U19: March 11th-13th, 2022

Girls U9-U19: March 25th-27th, 2022

Deadline to Register:

Boys: January 14th | Girls: January 28th


Don’t get stuck in the mud! The Turf Classic is a unique tournament, where all games are played on turf fields. It is a great pre-season tournament that gives players and coaches of all levels the opportunity to prepare for season play.



Age Group Play Game Length Roster Size Price
U9 Boys & Girls 7v7 50 minutes 16 $675
U10 Boys & Girls 7v7 50 minutes 16 $675
U10 Boys & Girls 9v9 60 minutes 16 $775
U11 Boys & Girls 9v9 60 minutes 16 $775
U12 Boys & Girls 9v9 60 minutes 16 $775
U13 Boys & Girls 11v11 60 minutes 22 $825
U14 Boys & Girls 11v11 60 minutes 22 $825
U15 Boys & Girls 11v11 70 minutes 22 $825
U16 Boys & Girls 11v11 70 minutes 22 $825
U17 Boys & Girls 11v11 70 minutes 22 $825
U18 Boys & Girls 11v11 70 minutes 22 $825
U19 Boys & Girls 11v11 70 minutes 22 $900


**Please note that all Event Registration is through the Classic GotSoccer Registration system. You can use last year’s GotSoccer Login to register your team for this event.**

Important Links

Team Check-in/Registration will be through GotSoccer prior to the designated cut off date listed on the website.
A. US Teams Check-in/Registration Requirements

  1. Copy of official roster; either USYS State Association or US Club Soccer
  2. Copy of Guest Player Roster (if applicable)
    • Roster provided by team’s state association, or
    • Roster provided by tournament (see registration information on tournament website)
  3. Permission to Travel paperwork
    • Not Required for US Club Soccer teams
    • Required for all USYS teams that are not from Ohio South
  4. Copies of player / coach passes; either USYS State Association or US Club Soccer
    • Copies of player passes for guest players if applicable
    • Originals may be requested by referees prior to each game
  5. Copy of Coach Concussion Certificate pursuant to Ohio’s “Return to Play” law – O.R.C. 3707.511 (C)(1)


A. Roster Sizes:

  1. 5v5 teams are limited to 10 players identified at Registration
  2. 7v7 teams are limited to 14 players identified at Registration
  3. 9v9 teams are limited to 18 players identified at Registration
  4. 11v11 teams are limited to 22 players identified at Registration

B. Guest Players:
There is no limit to the number of guest players a team may bring, provided they do not exceed the roster maximum for their age group and have required paperwork/documents for each guest player.
Guest players must be listed on a state-approved Guest Player Form and that form must be uploaded with team registration documents in GotSoccer.

C. Players may play on two different teams, provided ALL of the following requirements are met:

  • Teams are in two different age groups
  • The player is age-eligible for both age groups
  • The player is listed on the GotSoccer roster for both teams prior to check-in

Harassment of the officials from coaches, spectators, or players will not be tolerated.
A. Sideline Organization:

  1. Both teams will sit on the same side of the field. Only coaches and trainers may stay on the player’s sideline.
  2. Spectators are permitted on the opposite side of the field from the coaches and players and are limited to being in the designated area from penalty box to penalty box.
  3. No spectators are allowed behind the goal areas.

FIFA Laws of the Game will be used with the following exceptions:
A. Game Duration:

  1. U8-U10 (7v7) will play 25-minute halves and 25-minute halves for finals.
  2. U10 (9v9) & U11-U14 will play 30-minute halves and 30-minute halves for finals.
  3. U15-U18 will play 35-minute halves and 35-minute halves for finals.

SEMI-FINAL and CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES – In the event of a tie at the end of regulation, the winner will be determined by penalty kicks (NO OVERTIME). Only those players on the field at the end of regulation are eligible for penalty kicks.  1st round of PKs shall be best of 5, if tied after 1st round, 2nd round of PKs will be 1 for 1 sudden death.

B. Guest Players:
There is no limit to the number of guest players a team may bring, provided they do not exceed the roster maximum for their age group and have required paperwork/documents for each guest player. Guest players must be listed on a state-approved Guest Player Form and that form must be uploaded with team registration documents in GotSoccer.

C. Substitutions:
1. Unlimited substitution according to FIFA Rules with the following modifications:

  • Before a throw-in, in your favor or any throw-in when both teams have players on line waiting to be substituted
  • At the beginning of any period of play
  • Before any goal kick
  • At any time the official stops the game for injury (both teams)
  • After a goal is scored
  • To replace a cautioned player at the coach’s option

D. Cautions and Ejections:
The decisions of the referee regarding the application of the Laws of the Game are final;

  • Any player or coach ejected from the game will be ineligible to participate in the team’s next game at a minimum. No substition will be permitted for an ejected player.
  • Any parent ejected from a game will cause the coach to receive a caution. If a second parent is ejected, the coach will also be ejected and ineligible for the remainder of the tournament.

E. Modifications for U8 – U18 Games
Tournament shall utilize US Youth Soccer Rules for Small-sided Games except as adjusted below.

  1. Field -The Tournament Director has the right to make any changes or modifications to the fields and/or goals.  All decisions of the Tournament Director are final.
  2. Offside -Referees will enforce the offside rule for U8 and U9 matches.  For a player to be offside, he/she shall be in an obvious offside position (in the opinion of the referee) and an advantage results by being there when the ball is played to him/her.
  3. Referees
    • U8-U10 shall play with one referee
    • U11 and above shall play using a three referee system
  4. Build Out Line for 7v7

Build Out Line

  • The build out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting
  • When the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play
  • Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed)
  • After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal
  • The opposing team must also move behind the build out line during a goal kick until the ball is put into play
  • Build out lines should be equidistant between the penalty area line and halfway line
  • The build out line will also be used to denote where offside offenses can be called
  • Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build out line
  • Players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line

Build Out Line Practical Applications

  • Ideally, the goalkeeper will wait to put the ball into play once all opponents are past the build out line
  • However, the goalkeeper can put the ball into play sooner but he or she does so accepting the positioning of the opponents and the consequences of how play resumes
  • To support the intent of the development rule, coaches and referees should be mindful of any intentional delays being caused by opponents not retreating in a timely manner or encroaching over the build out line prior to the ball being put into play
  • Coaches are responsible for addressing these types of issues with their players
  • Referees can manage the situation with misconduct if deemed appropriate
  • Referees should be flexible when enforcing the 6 second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have moved behind the build out line

F. Player Equipment

  1. Home Team – The team listed first is the designated Home Team and must change jerseys when the referee determines a conflict to exist. However, as a matter of protocol, home teams are expected to wear their light uniforms and away teams are expected to wear their dark uniform
  2. Safety
  • The referee’s decision as to the safety of the players is final.
  • All players must wear shinguards. No metal-rimmed glasses or jewelry of any kind will be permitted.
  • asts, splints or body braces made of a hard substance in its final form such as leather, rubber, plastic, plaster or fiberglass must be covered on all exterior surfaces with no less than 1⁄2 inch thick, high density polyurethane, or an alternate material of the same thickness and similar physical properties to protect the injury. A medical release for the injured player signed by a licensed physician must be available at the game site. Players may not play with these casts without the approval of the Referee.

G. No Heading Rule for all U11 and younger games. Players are prohibited from deliberately striking a soccer ball with any portion of their head (aka heading).  The rule is as follows:

  • If a U11 or younger player engages in heading a soccer ball during the tournament the parents /guardians and the player accept the risk and/or peril of doing so.
  • When a player deliberately strikes the ball with his/her head during the tournament , Referees and Assistant Referees of that game must consider the act to be Dangerous Play and handle the matter accordingly as an infraction of the laws of the games.
  • An indirect free kick (IFK) is awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the infraction.
  • If the infraction is within the goal area, the IFK should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infraction occurred.
  • If the ball makes contact with the player’s head and the player has not deliberately played or attempted to play the ball, they play should continue as no infraction has occurred.
  • A player shall not be cautioned nor sent-off for persistent infringement, as a result of a heading infraction
  • A player shall not be cautioned nor sent-off for denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity as a result of a heading infraction.

H. No Punting / Drop Kicking Rule for all U10 and younger.
If heading or keeper puting occurs the reset is – An Indirect free kick (IFK) is awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the offense. If the offense occurs within the goal area, the IFK is to be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occured.

I. Forfeits:
Teams not at the field ready to play with a minimum of 7 eligible players (U11-U18), 5 eligible players (U8-U10) at the scheduled game time will forfeit the match at the discretion of the tournament director. Forfeited scores will be counted 4-0.  Teams forfeiting games will not be able to advance to the playoff rounds.

Please check the web page for all weather related updates, or check the weather hotline (859)750-7891
A. The Tournament Rules Committee reserves the right to make changes to the schedule in the event of inclement weather. These changes may include relocation or reschedule of matches, change of division structure, reduction of the duration of a match, or even cancellation of matches.
B. In the event of inclement weather forcing play to be halted and preventing the match from completing during the scheduled time, the score shall stand if at least one-half of the match has been completed. If one half of the match has not been completed and the game must be cancelled, a score of 0-0 will be recorded for both teams. The tournament director shall have the sole final decision on field closure.

If application is accepted then teams acknowledge that their payment will be deposited upon acceptance and if payment is refused, application may be revoked, and teams acknowledge that 1) Payment must be made prior to acceptance, applications may not be considered until payments are received. 2) Application must be reviewed by tournament directors before team is accepted. 3) Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance 4) If application is not accepted team will receive a full refund and a letter of notification, but 5) Once accepted no refunds are allowed. Except in the event that the tournament is cancelled in advance, Kings Hammer will refund approproate fees accordingly after all tournament expense have been paid for. No refunds will be given if a portion of the tournament was able to be played.

A. Placement of Division:

  • 4 Team Divisions- Two teams with the most points play Championship match. Awards presented to Champion and Finalist.
  • 5 Team Divisions- Champion determined by points. Each team plays all others in “round-robin” format. Awards presented to Champion and Finalist.
  • 6, 8 & 10 Team Divisions- The winners of each group will play in Championship match. Awards presented to Champion and Finalist.

B. Game Points:

  • 3 points for a win
  • 1 point for a tie
  • 0 points for a loss
  • Forfeits recorded score will be 4-0

C. Tie Breakers:

  1. Head to Head
  2. Goal Differential (max 4 goals per game)
  3. Goals Against
  4. Goals For
  5. Most Shut-outs
  6. Coin Flip

If three or more teams are tied, the criteria are followed from 1 through 5 until one team is eliminated and then the criteria starts over again at Rule #2.  Rules are repeated until one team remains. The decision of the tournament director shall be final on all questions regarding advancement.

VIII. Protest:
A. Protests:  There will be no protests.  All officiating decisions are final.
B. Exceptions:  The Tournament Director reserves the right to modify any rule/regulations at any time with or without notice.
