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School Programs For Facility Directors

For Facility Directors

Little Lions is an enrichment program that works with daycares, preschools, and after-school programs to provide children with an opportunity to develop physical, mental, and social-emotional skills in a fun and safe environment – your own facility!

Interested in taking the next step?
Contact Michelle to schedule your free introductory session and schedule one or more seasonal program(s) (e.g., spring, summer, fall, winter).

What is included in the free introductory session?
We will provide a mini-session to all eligible children (3-7) at your facility to introduce your students to our Little Lions program as well as send them home with information about Little Lions.

How do children register for Little Lions?
Parents can register for the program directly on our website. They will need to create an account and provide information about their child to verify their eligibility.

What can I expect from Little Lions?
Each seasonal program consists of six-to-eight 30-minute sessions run by our professional staff. We will provide all equipment, and each child will receive a Little Lions t-shirt upon completion of the program. We will also communicate with families throughout each program (e.g., what are we learning, schedule changes, etc.) so you don’t have to.

What are the benefits of Little Lions?
We are passionate about soccer and the impact it can have on young lives. Soccer, like other sports or forms of physical activity, can have numerous life-long benefits to health and wellness. For children, soccer can be used as a tool to develop physical skills (e.g., gross motor skills like running, jumping, balance; perceptual-motor skills like eye-foot coordination, eye tracking; soccer-specific skills like dribbling, passing, ball striking), cognitive skills (e.g., language, executive functioning skills like working memory, planning, attention), and social-emotional skills (e.g., self-confidence, sharing and playing with others, understanding rules).

How do families provide feedback about the program?
We will provide a survey to the director and all participants. Your feedback is important to us as it helps us provide a positive experience and better serve your school community!